
Pastificio Rana is among the protagonists of ‘Identitalia, the iconic Italian brands’, an exhibition of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, an initiative created to celebrate the historical brands that have made and continue to make history.

‘Identitalia, the iconic Italian brands’, an exhibition dedicated to some of the most important historical brands that have made and continue to make the history of Italy, was inaugurated yesterday at Palazzo Piacentini, headquarters of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

The initiative was created to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, which in 2019 was enriched by the “Special Register of Historical Trademarks of National Interest”, which includes those trademarks that have been registered for more than fifty years and are still active.

A real journey told through the visual testimonies of 100 companies (113 trademarks) from the food, fashion, furniture, automotive and personal care sectors, which have contributed to making Italy great.

“This event represents an amazing short-circuit: on the one hand we observe a romantic past, where the entrepreneurial roots were born, the dawn of extraordinary business stories, and on the other hand we tell the profound impetus of innovation and creativity of which our country is capable, day after day. For this reason” comments Gian Luca Rana, CEO of Pastificio Rana, ‘we are happy to be part of this important national heritage and of this exhibition that enhances the brands and patents that have made it’s history. Italy has an entrepreneurial fabric which has been woven through boundless industriousness, keen ingenuity, and unique and unrepeatable style. This fabric is distinctive and recognised globally. As Pastificio Rana, we have been engaged for decades in promoting Italian gastronomic excellence in some 70 countries, thanks to our natural propensity for innovation and the study of patented technologies in our research hubs’.

The aim of the exhibition, on show until 6 April in the main foyer of Palazzo Piacentini and curated by professors Carlo Martino and Francesco Zurlo, lecturers in design at La Sapienza University in Rome and the Milan Polytechnic, is to highlight an industrial, design and material heritage of inestimable value for the country, made up of entrepreneurial success stories and designers who have changed the way corporate image is communicated.

Through original drawings, representative pieces, photographs, historical documents, advertising posters and the projection of advertisements and videos, the visitor is accompanied in the different moments of the day – waking up, morning, afternoon and evening – by the brands that are part of everyday life and that celebrate Made in Italy.